Charters & Bylaws

Charter, May 2002

By-Laws, June, 2013

Article I: Membership


Any person shall be eligible to apply for membership in the Texas Hawking Association by submitting a completed application along with their membership dues to the secretary/treasurer. Membership classification shall be assigned by the secretary/treasurer in accordance with the provisions detailed hereinafter.

Membership Year

Membership shall be a period from January First through December Thirty-first.

  • Membership shall take effect upon the receipt of dues.
  • Membership dues received after September First shall apply to the succeeding year's membership, effective January First.

Article II: Membership Classification

Regular Membership

Regular membership is available to Texas residents possessing a valid Texas falconry permit.

Associate Membership

Associate membership shall be available to all others.

Honorary Membership

Honorary membership may be awarded by the directors.

Classification Change

  • A member may request, in writing, a change of classification status if their qualifications change.
  • Any regular member who moves out of the state and does not maintain Texas residency shall be transferred to associate status.
  • Regular members may be transferred to associate member status, after a unanimous vote of the board of directors, if a member has been charged with breaking a wildlife related law.

Article III: Privileges of Membership

  • Regular members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of the Association, including the right to vote, to serve as director, and to hold office or a position of appointment.
  • Associate members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of the association, except the right to vote, serve as director, or hold office. Associate members may be appointed by the board of directors to positions of special interest.
  • Honorary members have the same rights as associate members. Regular members who are awarded honorary membership retain the rights of regular membership.

Article IV: Membership Termination

  • Membership may be terminated by resignation.
  • Membership shall be terminated if not renewed by February First.
  • Membership may be terminated by a unanimous vote of the board of directors, if a member is convicted of breaking a wildlife related law.
  • A member may apply to rejoin the association one year after termination by the board of directors.

Article V: Membership Dues

  • Membership Dues for Regular or Associate members shall be a minimum of$35 per year, or any fraction of the year.
  • Membership Dues shall be payable to the secretary/treasurer, Texas Hawking Association, at the time of application to the Association.
  • Membership Dues shall not be pro-rated for any part of the year, either upon admission to, or at termination of membership.

Article VI: Directors: Electorates, Qualifications, and Tenure


The three directors shall be elected by the regular membership of the Association.


The dividing line between the northern and southern directorates shall be a line passing through Van Horn in the west and Nacogdoches in the east. Any city on this line shall be considered in the southern directorate.


Directors must be regular members and live in the directorate they represent. If a director is elected to office and moves to another directorate, a temporary replacement shall be chosen by the board of directors, until elections can be held to fill the position.


Directors shall serve terms of two years, effective on November 1st.

  • The northern and southern directors shall begin terms in odd numbered years. The director at large shall begin his/her term in even numbered years.

Article VII: Election of Directors

  • The board of directors shall have general authority and responsibility to plan, schedule, and supervise the election of the directors by the regular membership.
  • The election cycle will begin with a call for nominations published in the OTW and/or electronically. Ballots will be included in the summer publication. Completed ballots must be returned to the designated election official by October 1st.
  • Rules and Procedures for Voting
  • Elections shall be completed not less than thirty days prior to expiration of incumbent’s terms.
  • Regular members shall have timely notice of nominations and subsequent election.
  • The Officers and Directors will ensure that at least one qualified candidate is nominated for each directorship to be filled, and that each nominee is willing to serve if elected.
  • Elections shall be conducted in a fair and equitable manner. Voting shall be by ballot, by mail, by electronic means, or in person. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted. A simple majority of all votes cast shall be required for election to any directorship.

Article VIII: Responsibilities and Authority of Directors

  • Directors shall be representatives of the regular members in their directorates and act as spokespersons and liaisons for the regular members in their directorate.
  • The board of directors shall:
    • have full responsibility for, and supervision of the affairs of the Association
    • have full authority to make rules and regulations for the administration of the Association consistent with the charter and by-laws
    • be responsible to the regular membership, through the president, for the efficient operation of the Association
    • delegate to any officer, director, or appointed position, such authority it deems appropriate.

Article IX: Termination and Removal of Members of the Board of Directors

  • A director may resign with the approval of the board of directors.
  • Termination of regular membership shall also serve as a resignation.
  • A director may be removed from office by written petition of ten percent of the regular membership and two directors; or by a majority vote of the regular membership.

Article X: Officers: Election and Tenure


The board of directors shall be responsible for the prompt election of officers to fill any vacant position.


Officers shall serve terms of two years, each term beginning November 1st. The president and vice-president's terms shall begin in odd-numbered years. The secretary/treasurer's term shall begin in even numbered years.

Article XI: Termination and Removal of Officers

Termination and removal of officers shall be handled in the same manner as the termination and removal of members of the board of directors.

Article XII: President’s Responsibilities

The president shall

  • act as spokesperson for the Association,
  • act as chairperson at business meetings,
  • represent the board of directors,
  • appoint a regular member as the vice-president of the Association,
  • act as, or appoint an official liaison to the North American Falconers Association,
  • submit articles of Association news to the Hawk Chalk,
  • act as, or appoint to the position, an official liaison to the Texas Department Parks & Wildlife Department,
  • be responsible to the regular membership for the effective operation of the Texas Hawking Association.

Article XIII: Vice President's Responsibilities

The vice president shall:

  • assist the president with club business,
  • prepare and distribute, to the officers and directors of the Association, a written agenda noting new and old business to be addressed by the board of directors,
  • perform other duties assigned by the president.

Article XIV: Secretary/Treasurer's Responsibilities

The secretary treasurer shall:

  • maintain lists of the Association members and all holders of Texas Falconry Permits,
  • carry out elections as proscribed by the board of directors,
  • keep notes of business transacted by the board of directors,
  • serve the president and directors as directed,
  • be responsible for all funds due the Association from whatever source,
  • pay only expenditures as authorized by the board of directors,
  • deposit all Association funds into appropriate checking and/or savings accounts,
  • present an annual written financial report each June to the Association,
  • annually supply the membership a list of all members by March first,
  • perform such duties as directed by the board of directors.

Article XV: Texas Hawking Association News

Association news will be compiled by the secretary/treasurer, or an appointed newsletter editor.